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MyCareerPath is a service available to people in the workplace, returners to education, entrepreneurs seeking to upskill and people looking to accelerate their career and progress within their organisation. You can discover your career pathway, update your CV, and meet online with Career & Learning Pathway Advisors for support.

NFQ Award Standards (Level 6-10) RPL Guide Sheets

These documents can be used when seeking programme entry via RPL, to ensure your RPL application (e.g. portfolio) meets the award standards for the level at which you’re demonstrating learning equivalency to enter your desired programme.

QQI Guides to Online Foreign Qualifications Recognition (NARIC)

NARIC Ireland provides advice on the academic recognition of a foreign qualification by comparing it, where possible, to a major award type and level on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications. Their guides can help those arriving from Ukraine and surrounding areas compare their qualifications to the NFQ, and assist them in accessing education and employment opportunities here in Ireland.